Power in Testimony

Hey friends! It was so good to finally meet some of y’all last weekend. I cannot emphasize enough how fired up I am to jump into ministry with you.
On Tuesdays, we want to make a space for Listening to the Lord. Where do we see or hear the Lord moving? Maybe it’s in a devotional word or a personal testimony. Whatever it looks like, we need to dig in.
For me this week, I have become fixated on the idea of testimony. As Pastor Andrew is beginning to walk us through testimony in the book of Acts on Sunday mornings, I am noticing there’s a gap between where I am and where the Apostles are to proclaim the word of the Lord with the great boldness and authority that they do.
What would it take for my faith to look like that? How do we as followers of Christ have a posture to recognize and receive what God’s up to in us and around us? And then proclaim it?
Interestingly enough, I am currently taking a class on Acts. Today, our professor reminded us that this is not simply history. This is not an account of “the facts”. If Acts was just there to give us a briefing on how the church started, I’m not sure it would have made it into our hands in present day.
There is power in testimony.
The Holy Spirit desires to move in us and through us in this way.
It doesn’t start with testimony, though. When we know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Lord is moving in a powerful way, it just overflows. If don’t try to contain it by putting up walls, we just end up embracing it. There is no neutrality to the move of God. It just changes you.
Let’s be on the lookout this week to embrace the move of God. And on the other side of it, I can’t wait to hear your testimony.
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